Sunday, January 30, 2005

A thought

Looking back on my previous posts here, I realize that I have said nothing of merit. I was thinking about this the other day and decided to take an overview of what I've posted on this 'blog'. Really, it's just been cussing with no immediate purpose; and that's a damn shame.
I think I am going to try to be more interesting or to at least post things that are coherent. Maybe I'll discover that I actually have opinions on some things and then I can pass them on to the three or four people who happen upon this place. For now, I'm just going to leave it at that.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Week One

Week one of grad school has come and gone. Things learned:
I will be reading a shit ton of stuff.
I can understand much more of said shit ton than I could in ugrad.
I fuckin' rock.

I have also been pullin' out my A game when it comes to bread making this week. Two tasty loaves have be produced and consumed, one white, one wheat. Next week, whitewheat. Choochoo bitch.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Eagles and Generals

On the one hand; booya Eagles. On the other; booya me. I kicked General Tso's ass tonight. It was by far the best batch of chicken ever made in my beautiful wok. I think a lot of it had to do with the stove in my new place. It has a lot more power than the old one. High heat is a must. The apartment was full of sweet choking chili smoke. Mmmmm, toasty.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Bring it on ya little baby.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Shit I Cannot Make Up

I shit you not, I (in my quest for something to put me to sleep. Shit man, if there's one thing in life I'd like to aviod being it's the kind of person who spends time reading blogs at fuckin 3:30 in the morning) found this shit on some bitch's website. Now, I'm not sayin' she's a bad person, I'm just sayin' she's a dumb bitch. Check it:

apeR nak buat eh?!hek hek..n sO..skul was totaLLy suburbaN!mendak maths..luckily sot takder geography klaU adeR mampos..!conferem aku tidO nyer!muahhaa..hmm..adeR geo hw sak..babi of pages punyeR la 66-78..fark sak!2mr due date n i haven even started sak..hak gi mampos beb!hmm...

Wow. I mean Jesus Tits. That is unacfuckinceptable. Shit.

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange is one fucked up book, man. These dudes rape and pillage with seeming immpunity (I'm only six of twenty-one chapters in). That shit is fuckin nuts. I bailed on SuSE and decided to go back to something a bit more familiar, RedHat. They have this thing called Fedora now but it seems to be the same ole thing. I was not feelin KDE, Gnome is much more my speed apparently. I'll see if I keep using the box now that it's all reved up with non-Windows shiet. Usually I bail on shit like that because I get tired of it right quick.

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Dinner is slow to cook, I think it would work better if I had thought ahead to defrost the chicken in a more meaningful way. 35 degrees F is not a good temperature to drop chicken in to the oven, by the by. Linux is working, my feelings of inadequacy are once more overcome. Eat my ass challenges! Fuckin' chicken.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I wish I knew more shit about computers. I went to a damn engineering school for a year, you would think I could figure out some damn linux nonsense. Man, I am retarded. So anyways, I'm trying to get this SUSE LINUX shit to run on my non-laptop. I guess try is the wrong word since I haven't done anything with it yet. But I have low expectations of ability to make it all work. We shall see how it goes.

Tampa to Bburg

Fifteen hours in a mother-fucking car. That is my idea of a good time. On the plus side, I got to listen to The Phantom of the Opera. On the down side, without watching the actual play it was real hard to figure out who the hell was saying what and where the hell they were on stage at the time. Maybe the movie will be easier to follow.