3. 2. 1... Contact
So I'm having trouble getting in touch with a friend of mine in Philly. I'm not sure if I'm being ignored or just continually pushed down the importance list. Either way it's no big deal. It is however, amusing. I think I'm going to start a race. I have a feeling I can find and get in touch with a kid I knew in 2nd grade before Philly calls me back. I haven't heard from this guy in, let's see... 18ish years? I cannot for the life of me remember where he moved and I'm actually not sure I have his name right. All part of the fun. To keep things fair, I'll keep trying to contact my friend and I'll even let her know about the challenge. Let's call it, Contact2005: The Race for Communication. Sounds good. I'll keep you updated.
Also, I have a digital camera and free time. I think I'll put some pictures up here to try and fit in with other, more capable blogs. Bring it on and let the games begin!