Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Son of a Bitch

I went for a ride today and blew a tire after about seven miles. Dammit. So now I have to go have this fixed or learn how to fix it myself. I think the best call is to figure it out myself so that I can do it on the cheap. We have a lot of books on fixing stuff, like bikes, at work.

The Southpark where Kyle's cousin comes to town is on. Man, I love this show. It's also the one with Mr. Garrison's 'It' mobile thing. Also sweet.

I went to the local game shop to try and buy top loaders to sell some cards I got but they were out. though I did discover thaqt they hold Magic tournaments every week. I think I am going to go to a booster draft later this week or next week. I haven't played in a long time so we'll see how it goes.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Tiny Pimpin'

Back in TLH for the week to see Monica graduate.

In case you didn't get the gist from the earlier post,
I don't think I like Star Wars. I saw the last one on
Monday and, though it was better than the first two,
it was better in the sense that instead of being
kicked in the nuts I felt like I was just cup-checked
a bit too hard. The transformation to the dark side
was a bit forced for my taste and, as mentioned, yoda
is a tiny little girl. Also, the main dude, whose
name I am too lazy to look up right now, can't act for
shit. I mean, christ, just buy the kid some acting
lessons or kill him. You can always digitally replace
the good actor's face with that dipshit's ugly mug.
Well, whatever. It's done. Bring on the good stuff
(Batman, I'm looking at you).

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Little Known Fact

Yoda is Klingon for pussy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Mission Impassable

New speed high today; 33.5mph. This doesn't seem like much since Cooper talks about 35 as if its average traveling speed (two ls in travelling? hm). Right now creme brulee is finishing in the oven for dessert.

Arlen Specter is on the TV talking about the damn senate fillabuster thing. I both love and hate watching these guys. Its like watching two old women fight. On the one hand, man, that's sad. They should be knitting or something. On the other hand, there's nothing funnier than two old women fighting. I wish I had a picture to go with that. You can imagine though.

I think I am going to bike on down to Xiansburg today and see how long it takes. Maybe this summer I can bike to work a few times and not be drenched in sweat when I arrive.

Monday, May 16, 2005


I want some scones. Went for a nice bike ride today on my first real day off in a long time. School is over and done and now time off can be spent riding, reading and some other r thinging. Relaxing? Sure, relaxing. I like orange blossom honey more than clover honey. It has a real nice floral tinge to it.

On the pictures from the wedding note, those bastards are going to be expensive to get developed around here so they will have to wait. Ok.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Well, not really done. I turned in all my papers but my Kant professor wrote me back and said that my paper couls use revision so... I'm getting an incomplete so that she can comment on it and I can revise it. So close to freedom, yet so far.

I want a don't mess with Texas shirt.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The List

I forgot to mention Ash and Blur. For Ash I'm leaning towards Free All Angels eventhough 1977 was the album I most got into. This is subject to change though. For Blur, a similar situation. I love me some Great Escape but I can't help but think that Parklife might be the better album. This is not a criteria necessarily. I'm not going to make a list of the 10 best albums in general, I'm looking at my 10 favorite. So the Beatles are not a lock and neither is Led Zepplin though I think Four might make the final cut. It's just so damn good. Ah decisions.

Right now I am finishing a paper for my Plato class and need to get back to it. 1.5 papers down, 1.5 to go. I hope to be done tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Infinite Sadness

I was reminded the other day of Smashing Pumpkin's MC&tIS and how much ass it kicked. This prompted me to listen to it today and remmeber why it is one of my favorite all time albums. This in turn prompted me to think about all time favorites. So in the next few days I am going to try and post a list of things I love and how much I love them (i.e. a top 10). Right now, with no rankings yet:
Mellon Collie
Nirvana Unplugged
RATM: Self titled
Ill Communication
Downward Spiral
Process of Belief
I think that's all I have right now but this is pre-reflection. I hope to add more soon and then start to trim the fat. I am trying to stick to one ablbum per sweet ass band so as not to overpopulate the top 5 with Nirvana and =W=.

On that note I got the new Weez today. It's good. I think it might actually be real good. I'll let you know later. For now though, rock on.

Monday, May 09, 2005

The end is nigh

The first last paper of the semester is done and one its way to the print shop. I hope it went well but I feel a little lackluster about it. We shall see. This week is going to be a bitch. I have two more papers and a presentation and I am currently scheduled for 45 hours at work. That might not end up good for me. On top fo all that, we are supposed to go out of town this weekend when some of those 45 hours are scheduled to occur. Dammit. I forgot to request off and now it looks like I may have skrewed meself.

Hitchhiker's guide was good. they changed a decent amount of stuff but it still had a very Adams feel to it which was nice. I would have liked a little more resolution and coherence but they were trying to do a lot with a little time. Maybe there will be a sequele that makes it all worthwhile. That being said, go for it you crazy kids. I think it's worth the cash to see it.

Pictures from the wedding are still in the works, though the happy couple has returned safe and sound from the islands. I'll let you know as soon as I can.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sink o' de Mayo

Wow. Long time for an update here. I'm going to blame it on the end of the semester which showed up unexpectedly. Weak end of semester; lame. So last night we found out that Laura is getting hitched to her boyfriend (now fiancee) Will. Congratulations abound. They are going to be married next summer sometime in FLA. We all look forward to the fun.

We just got back from a wedding as well. Mary and Allen are finishing up their honeymoon as we speak and one imagines they are friggin trashed. I think Sandals will do that to a person. Especially when that person is two people and they just married each other. Jordan has pictures up from the wedding and as soon as I get film developed I will have some as well.

We are off to see Hitchhiker's Guide. I'll let you know how it goes and will do a beter job updating since the summer is now (almost) upon us.