A Link to the Present
Now in a brand new location. Come see us some time.
Things continue in their semi-normal state for now. Work is good and taking a whole bunch of time (doin' the 40hr a week bit now). I've been promoted a couple of times which has included one raise. Hot damn.
In more future life related news, school has reared its beautiful head again. Last semester I turned in a paper which was sub par at best. My prof was nice enough to let me redo the damn thing in order to actually accomplish something aside from the wanton destruction of trees for paper making and using purposes. I am now getting around to said paper. It's on my boy Kant who, as we all know, is a goddamn lunatic. I wish I had the patience to be a prolific writer so that I could propose a whole bunch of theories and then deny them soon afterwards so that later generations could argue over which one was right. Since I would have said everything there was to say, I'd be right by default at one point or another.
Anyways, the paper is about Kant's conception of the highest good. You can read all about it in the Critique of Pure Practical Reason. Or you can hide you head in Rand or Dr. Frankfurt and actually enjoy yourself (well, the Rand is up for debate with regards to enjoyment; you can at least make yourself feel intelligent).
Ebay has been doing me right recently. As has Of Montreal and My Chemical Romance. The new Coldplay is good but not great, the new Foo Fighters is rumored to be good (though I'm not a fan of the split disc) and I am writhing in something for not having the new System of a Down yet. Fan my ass.
We are supposed to have visitors sometime in the near future. If you would like to be one of them, drop me a line.
We went to Charlottesville yesterady just for the hell of it. Nice day, good times. We decided, after doing all of the hippie chic sorts of things downtown, to hunt down the local J Crew. Alright. I decided to try on a pair of jeans off the sale rack, see how they looked.
In the dressing room, there is a switch so that I can see how I look in 'daylight' or at 'night'. Apparently (and this is news to me I assure you) night means that one out of every three light bulbs has burned out. If there was a difference, and I'm not saying there was, it was that I had wasted energy and time flipping the switch and thus looked a little bit more tired and maybe a tad disappointed. I suggest it fro everyone.
We made chocolate chip cookies last night. I wish there was some sort of smell transfering internet device so that you could get a wiff of these things. Note: this is not because I want to give you a nice nasal feel or entice you in to baking your own. I want to ruin your day by making you long for the best damn cookies you have ever had while you sit at your desk drinking stale coffee. Stupid technology.
I saw that dude again yesterday downtown and he was still crazy and shit. Guess it wasn't just an off day for him.
The new Coldplay is rolling in the streo as I write. Good stuff so far. It should take the usual few listens to really figure out which songs I like and whatnot. I'll see if I can remember to relay that information as it becomes available.
Props to Cooper for turning me on to Of Montreal. Those dudes rock in a sock rockin' manner. They also fit my current Scrubs watching mood very well. It's not that they are in Scrubs it's just that the two seem to match each other's pace and feel so well.
Tomorrow is another free day for Andrew which means more biking and sleeping. I think I may try to mix it up with some reading as well. Don't know if I'll have time.
Today I went for a bike ride that took me over to the local supermarket for a banana. As I rolled in, this dude was walking towards me laughing to himself about (I thought) something he saw in a window. Thinking this nice old man was enjoying his day out, I made eye contact in anticipation of the hello nice day yes thank you enjoy the weather sort of thing. Instead I got, 'I went to the cemetary but I couldn't find my aunt's grave.' Ok. 'Oh, I'm sorry.' Then, 'they're going to burn Moussaoui alive.' Oh shit, man. 'Ok.' Gone.
This was nutty for a good number of reasons; no eye contact, the dude looked like a nice old guy and he laughed like a damn maniac afterwards. I went and got my banana, not sure who the guy he mentioned was. I thought maybe he said Mussolini or something. Maybe he was stuck in WWII mode. When I was leaving I saw him again coming in and again he said again without looking at me that they were going to burn this guy alive. The alive part was what really got me.
When I got home and Alexandria came back for lunch, I told her about it and she enlighted me as to the guy's potential meaning. Apparently he was a current afairs nut job. Good times.
Booyakasha. Got our 3 DVD sets today. I rolled home from a hard day of working at the BN only to see that lame ass UPS biotch riding out all smiling and shit. Got to my door and saw the note "Sorry, bitch. You weren't home. I'll be back on Monday." I said, "Monday, screw that!" Jumped in the hot ride and floored it. Then I waited outside this big house that has a do not enter sign and a real long driveway a neighborhood over from us until I saw the UPS dude. Then he gave me the stuff. Sweetness.
So now I'm just waiting for Alexandria to get home so we can make pizza and watch TV. Should be a good time. Hopefully I can squeeze a bike ride in there too since it has been a few days and the tour is next month. If I don't get my act together, the peloton will eat me alive.